Adam Mickiewicz University and the City of Poznan invite you to an open lecture titled "Communist Bonds. James Bonds: Captain Kloss, Colonel Stierlitz and Major Zeman as Ideological Adaptations of the James Bond Prototype" by Prof. Petr A. Bílek of Charles University in Prague, an outstanding researcher of popular culture. The lecture will be held on 12 June 2014 at 5 p.m. at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, Adam Mickiewicz University (Collegium Maius, ul. Fredry 10) in the Kuraszkiewicz room (014).
13 June 2014 at 10 a.m. prof. Petr A. Bilek will also deliver a second lecture (this time in his own mother tongue), titled "Svět podle televize a filmu v éře české normalizace (70. a 80. léta 20. století): Populární kultura jako zdroj reprezentací každodenního života". The lecture will be held at Collegium Maius, in the Kuraszkiewicz room (014).
Professor Petr A. Bilek is a respected literary scholar, working at the Institute of Czech Literature and Czech Literary at Charles University in Prague and the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, as well as an editor of the interdisciplinary periodical, "Slovo a smysl" / "Word and Sense". His main research interests include comparative literature, literary criticism, literary theory, and in particular, popular culture (not just native one).
In the impressive collection of works and scientific articles (published in the country and abroad), Prof. Bilek focused for example on the problem of literature ideologization (especially of the normalization period) and pop culture characters (e.g. Major Zeman, James Bond). His most important publications include: collective work History of New Moderna (Dějiny nové moderny), awarded with the prestigious Magnesia Litera for the year 2011; a book about models of representation in Czech literature, published together with Vladimír Papoušek (Models of Representations in Czech Literary History, 2010), which also appeared in the developed reprint (Kosmogonia. Allegorical representations of "everything" / Cosmogonia. Alegoricke reprezentace "všeho"); critical analysis of neo-existential trend in Czech poetry ("Generation" of lonely riders, 1991 / "Generace" osamělých běžců, 1991); the study devoted to contemporary narratology (searching for the language of interpretation. Towards the modern prose text, 1993 /Hledání jazyka interpretace. K modernímu prozaickému textu, 1993). He also co-created (with Lubomír Dolezel, among others) a rich series of works, devoted to the category of fiction, "Possible worlds" ("Možné světy"), as well as "Theoretica" edition, issued by the Institute of Czech Literature at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. In years 2002-2005 he edited "Czech literature", one of the most recognizable national scientific journals, and earlier (in the 90s) also the "Initials" ("Iniciály").