Important! WSL is going to launch studies in english in 2013/2014 academic year.
WSL runs first cycle studies, where students can choose to either pursue a Bachelor's Degree or an Engineer's Degree, and second cycle studies, where students pursue a Master's Degree. The School also offers postgraduate studies. Polish is the official language of instruction, although students can choose a certain number of courses held in a foreign language.
Bachelor's degree programme (1st cycle mode)
Management Studies:
- Investment and Logistics Real Estate
- Logistics Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Quality Management
- Occupational Hygiene and Safety Management
Logistics Studies:
- Production Logistics
- Eurologistics
Economics Studies:
- Transport Economics
Engineer's Degree Programme (1st Cycle Mode)
- Logistics Systems Engineering
Master's Degree Programme (2nd Cycle Mode)
- Logistics
- Logistics Manager
- Real Estate Management
- Accountancy and Corporate Finance Management