PUT around the world - Intercultural Café

"PUT around the world - Intercultural Café" is an initiative proposed by the LLL and International Education Office of Poznan University of Technology. The Intercultural Café aimed at integrating the academic community, cultural exchange, enlargement awareness about Poland among foreign students and awareness about the countries of origin of foreign students from the Poznan University of Technology.

PUT around the world - grafika artykułu
PUT around the world

Meetings are organized every month, concern different topics and are dedicated to both, polish and international students of Poznan University of Technology and universities in Poznan, as well as employees of the Poznan University of Technology. Participation in the event is tantamount to consent to the free use of the participant's image by the Poznan University of Technology, recording them in print and electronic, in whole or in part, reproduction, publication in the journal "Głos Politechniki" or other University publications and dissemination, including the introduction to computer memory, publishing on social media and on PUT website - put.poznan.pl.

During the next meeting of PUT around the world-Intercultural cafe, we will taste food made by our students!
If you wish to prepare some traditional dish please contact us!

Participation in the event is tantamount to consent to the free use of the participant's image by the Poznan University of Technology, recording them in print and electronic, in whole or in part, reproduction, publication in the journal "Głos Politechniki" or other University publications and dissemination, including the introduction to computer memory, publishing on social media and on PUT website - put.poznan.pl.
When?: 30.01.2020 (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m.
Where?: room no 053, PUT Lecture Center, Piotrowo 2 street
Language of the meeting: ENGLISH