Poznań is a place where the energy of the New Europe is merged with the civilization of the West. A metropolis with over half-a-million residents, Poznań is situated in the most economically developed region of Poland, closer to Berlin than to Warsaw. Poznanians can be counted on - they are well-educated, competent and welcoming.
The city is focused on achieving success, grounded on a 1000-year tradition of competence. The most ambitious of projects and the bravest of visions have a chance to succeed here. The state of Poland was born in Poznań and it was also the location of the Greater Poland Uprising, the only successful armed bid for independence in Poland and a proof of the exceptional resourcefulness of its citizens.
The people of this metropolis also stand out in terms of their spirit of enterprise, renowned for generations. During the great economic crisis at the beginning of the 20th century, Poznań managed to establish itself as one of the biggest trading areas in this part of Europe. Today, the Poznań International Trade Fair Centre successfully hosts large international events including the 2008 United Nations IPCC climate conference and a 2010 meeting of the delegations of 46 ministers of culture from Europe and Asia, under the auspices of the Asia-Europe Meeting.
Poznań is an important center of industry, trade, logistics and business tourism. Poznań is also the academic, scientific and cultural center. The city is one of the largest economic centers in the country. In 2011, the gross domestic product (GDP) produced in Poznan amounted to 42.1 billion zł, which placed for fifth place in the country. In 2011 Poznań produced 2.8% of Polish GDP, which also made for 29.5% of the GDP generated in Wielkopolska.
The unemployment rate in Poznań is among the lowest in the country. At the end of 2015, the unemployment rate in the city amounted to 2.4%.
In 2005, the city was among the most attractive places to invest in Poland. According to information provided by the investors, it is estimated that the value of accumulated foreign direct investment in the period 1990-2010 was in Poznan 6.6 billion $.
According to external assessments carried out by the rating agency Moody's Investors Service, in terms of credibility for investors Poznań slightly gives way to a much larger Warsaw. In March 2013 the city once again received an assessment of A3 with a stable outlook. It means that Poznań has a very high capacity to meet its financial obligations and credibility should not be changed in the near future. In November 2013 Poznań has got the credibility of the financial agency Fitch Ratings at A- with a stable outlook. Since 2006 rating city has remained unchanged.
In 2014, in Poznań were registered 107 117 businesses, including 68 699 natural persons conducting individual economic activity.
Poznań is dominated by companies operating in the field:
- trade and repairs
- professional, scientific and technical
- construction
- industrial processing
- other services
- health care and social assistance
- transportation and warehousing
The high number of SMEs has lead to an increased demand for professional consultancy services. In Poznań, apart from commercial consultancy companies there are many non-governmental non-profit organisations which provide access to business information and professional consultancy toa vast group of customers. In this regard it is worth noting organisations that are associated in the National SME Services Network (KSU), whose main objective is to raise the competitiveness of Polish companies by providing them with a comprehensive offer of high quality training and advisory services. These organisations include: the Wielkopolska Chamber of Crafts in Poznań, the Polish Economic Chamber of Importers, Exporters and Cooperation, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Wielkopolska Region, the Wielkopolska Club of Technology and Rationalisation and the Association of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centres in Poland as well as research institutions such as the Institute of Logistics and Warehousing and the Wood Technology Institute.
The growth of entrepreneurship is one of the priorities of the Poznań authorities who have undertaken various activities aimed at assisting the owners of small and medium enterprises in operating their businesses. These activities include the establishing of the Poznań Fund of Loan Guarantees33, to provide professional training to prospective and active businesspeople as well as to promote successful enterprises from the SME sector (e.g. the Enterprise Leader competition). The city authorities have also created a Business Information Point and are working on the Poznań Incubator of Advanced Technologies project. In 2003, Poznań institutions which support entrepreneurs agreed to cooperate in the field of developing the local network of entrepreneurship-related services within the Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Network.
Find out more here.
From 2012 Training and Advisory Centre has been running. It is managed by employees of Department of Business Activity and Agriculture, Poznan City Hall. It is placed: ul. 28 Czerwca 1956 r. nr 404, 61-441 Poznań.
The mian aim of the Centre is supporting prospective and existing entrepreneurs.
It provides wide range of services, such as: individual counseling, regular training and workshops. All of its activity is free of charge. You can find more details here at www.poznan.pl/poznanbiznespartner