dr Simona Pajaujiene (Lithuania) - 20.05.20024

The Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the Poznań University of Physical Education and the City of Poznań would like to invite you to attend an open lecture by Dr. Simona Pajaujiene entitled "How to live with health and exercise? Relaxation techniques and the impact of breathing on our health and everyday life" and a practical class entitled "Ultimate Body & Mind System - Nirvana Fitness - breathing exercise to music" ("ULTIMATE BODY & MIND SYSTEM - NIRVANA Fitness - breathing exercise to music"). The lecture will take place on 20 May (Monday) at 4:00 p.m. in Room 025/026 in the Teaching Building of the University of Physical Education, ul. Królowej Jadwigii 27/39 in Poznań. The lecture will be held in English with translation into Polish.

Dr. Simona Pajaujiene is an associate professor at the Lithuanian University of Sport, where she runs courses related to health-enhancing physical activity and personal training. She is the academic coordinator of several modules of studies. Her research focuses on health education and health promotion, physical fitness and cognitive testing, body image issues in sport, weight control and exercise in pregnancy and the postnatal period.

Her experience in the fitness sector is around 30 years. She has been a member of the professional standards committee of EuropeActive (Brussels) (2014-2019) and to date she participates in several technical expert groups (TEGs) dealing with the development of European standards. She is an active promoter of healthy lifestyles, sports science through radio, TV programmes, articles, videos. She is a guest speaker at various international events related to sport, recreational activity and public health and a presenter for the health and fitness industry in Lithuania and abroad. She has participated in a number of EU projects and is constantly involved in training and upskilling courses for exercise professionals, physical education teachers, physiotherapists, public health professionals. She organises teaching visits to various European universities every year.

Dr. Pajaujiene is also co-founder and programme director of EuropeActive's accredited vocational training school "ActiveTraining". She is a certified Advanced Health and Exercise Specialist, Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor (EREPS L3-6), ACE International Master Trainer (American Council on Exercise), and a trainer with a wide range of specialisations who has gone through many roles in the fitness industry (body and mind, indoor cycling, TRX, aqua fitness, functional training, outdoor activities, etc.). In addition, she is a Flow trainer and Nirvana education specialist, as well as a pioneer and promoter of this method in Lithuania.

"I believe that exercise professionals should not only be well educated and experienced, but also constantly participate in lifelong learning processes. It is clear that, due to the global problem of modern lifestyles, there is a pandemic of inactivity. Every exercise specialist needs to help people make lifestyle changes, guide them through the training process and help them achieve their goals. I also believe that we can break down stereotypes, create a better European fitness culture and promote an active lifestyle. We have to love people, we have to love our work. I love it!" My favourite motto: "Firstly, it is not our bodies that need changing. It's our attitude."

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