The fourth edition of the "Kilometers for Przylądek" campaign has kicked off!

On May 1st, another edition of the charity action "Kilometers for Przylądek" has started. The "Lepszy Start" Foundation and friends of the Non-Public Primary School "Przylądek" for children with autism spectrum host the campaign. The aim of the initiative is to raise funds for building "Dom na Zawsze Przylądek", providing a safe place to work and live for adults with autism spectrum. The strategic sponsor of the campaign is the consulting company BPX S.A. in the IT industry, one of Poznań investors.

Graphic promoting the event. The image includes information in the article about how the event is going, who it is dedicated to and when it is taking place. - grafika artykułu
All funds collected will be transferred to the building the "Dom na Zawsze Przylądek", which ensures support and care for adults on the autism spectrum in the future

The action seeks to collect as many kilometers as possible through physical activity until it reaches 500,000 kilometers. Every covered kilometer equals 1 PLN donated to the "Lepszy Start" Foundation, which means we can collect up to half a million PLN.

Joining the campaign is simple. Just download the free Activy app on your phone, register or log in, and then select the "Kilometers for Przylądek 2024" challenge from the list. Anyone who has a smartphone and enjoys outdoor activities may take part in the action.

All funds collected will be transferred to the building the "Dom na Zawsze Przylądek", which ensures support and care for adults on the autism spectrum in the future.

Everyone can join the campaign

Join the action right away! Download the Activy app, register, and get involved in "Kilometers for Przylądek 2024". Let Wroclaw show how important community and solidarity are to us!

More information about the campaign is available on the website.