Poznań University of Life Sciences and the City of Poznań invite to open lecture: "Valuable freshwater mussels" - the diversity and function of freshwater mussels, their threatened status and their amazing life cycles. The lecture will be given by Prof. Jouni Taskinen, on 30 May 2016 at 1:00 PM in College of Runge of the University of Life Sciences at Wojska Polskiego Street 52.
Prof. Jouni Taskinen works at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. He was a visiting professor at the University of Lethbridge in USA in 2015 and a lecturer at three other international universities. He specializes in hydrology, limnology, ecology and parasitology. He is an expert in the field of freshwater molluscs.
Professor is an author of more than 70 reviewed scientific articles. He occupies the position of editor-in-chief of Ecological and Immunological Parasitology, scientific journal.
During the lecture, information on rare and valuable clams will be presented. The discussion will cover, among others, topics related to their diversity, importance for proper functioning of ecosystems and an extraordinary development cycle.
Professor Taskinen works at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland (Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences). He is a specialist in hydrology, limnology, ecology and parasitology, as well as an expert in the field of freshwater molluscs. His interests include both research on condition of clam population, defining reasons for their disappearance and ecology. He supports works on population management and restitution of mollusc species becoming extinct in Europe e.g. pearl mussel (Margaritifera maraeritifera) and creek mussel (Unio crassus). In the research in the field of ecology he examines interrelations and relations between mollusc parasites and their hosts.
Prof. Taskinen is the author of more than 70 reviewed scientific articles. He is editor-in-chief of scientific journal: Ecological and Immunological Parasitology. He was a manager of research projects of European Fisheries Fund, European Science Foundation, Academy of Finland, Nordic Working Group Fisheries Research, EU Interreg.