Site name
Folwarczna Street area (10,73 ha, services / industrial Development)
Poznań - Chartowo
wielkopolskieArea of the property
Max. area available (as one piece) [ha]
10,7342Land price [PLN] including 23% VAT
0,00Property information
City of Poznań
Valid spatial development plan
Uchwała Nr IX/151/IX/2024 Rady Miasta Poznania z dnia 15-10-2024 w sprawie miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego "W rejonie ulicy Folwarcznej" w Poznaniu
Resolution link
https://bip.poznan.pl/bip/uchwaly.html?co=print&uc_id_uchwaly=94860&p=&kd_id=15Land specification
Present usage
Property unused
Buildings / other constructions on site
Property undeveloped
Building restrictions
Building coverage [%]
The built-up area must not exceed 50% of the plot area
Building height limit [m]
The height of the buildings must not exceed 25 m, but in the zone of higher development must not exceed 42 m
Access road to the plot (type and width of the access road)
From Folwarczna Street
Nearest motorway/national road [km]
A2: 6 km
Railway track [km]
Poznań Main Station: 10 km
Railway siding [km]
Franowo: 150 m
Nearest international airport [km]
Poznań-Ławica: 15 km
Existing infrastructure
Additional information
On the basis of aerial photographs taken in 2023 / ZGiKM GEOPOZ, December 2024
Offer prepared by
Position:starszy specjalista ds. ofert inwestycyjnych i monitoringu
Contact:+48 61 878 57 89 agnieszka_susicka@um.poznan.pl
Contact person
Position:starszy specjalista ds. ofert inwestycyjnych i monitoringu
Contact:+48 61 878 57 89 agnieszka_susicka@um.poznan.pl
The present material is only promotional and it does not constitute an offerwithin the meaning of The Civil Law Code.
The price may be changed on the day of the tender