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Startup Poznan // Meetup #6: Beers & Building Startups

Ministerstwo Browaru Wroniecka 16 · Poznań
Wstęp wolny


Poznań's most interesting entrepreneurial meetup is running its sixth get-together at Ministerstwo Browaru in the city center.

SIDENOTE: This Saturday, 15 February, we are running a coworking meetup with a small group of people actively working on a startup. If that sounds like you and you're not yet on the list, apply here: https://tally.so/r/mZv0zA. We will split the cost of the coworking space among all attendees.

Back to the topic of Meetup #6. We'll be meeting up at Ministerstwo Browaru at the usual time on 13 March for beers and startup chats! Our goal is to build some profitable startups right here in Poznań.

Meetup format:

  • Meet at the venue from 6.30pm
  • Have a drink and share what we're working on
  • Exchange feedback/advice to start or improve our businesses

Who's it for:

  • Founders
  • Engineers who want to be founders
  • Marketers who want to be founders
  • Designers who want to be founders
  • Product managers who... you get the idea

See you there! Peace, love & MRR,
Jason & Piotr

Zobacz www.meetup.com/pl-PL/startup-poznan/events/306151691/

  • Wydarzenie bez barier: brak informacji
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