Poznan Civic Budget

Poznan Civic Budget is a platform dedicated to social consultations regarding a certain part of money from the budget of the City of Poznan. One of the vital functions of this platform is a possibility to fill out and electronically submit a project application form. The Civic Budget is an undertaking through which the members of the local community can directly decide how to best use the available money. This is possible thanks to the tool that allows to submit, discuss, and implement projects which will serve the residents and the city.

In 2020, voters submitted over 87,575 electronic votes. It was the highest number of all the editions of Poznan Civic budget.

In 2020, the Green Budget was introduced. The aim of the Green Budget is to create green areas attractive to residents. It assumes the development of public urban green areas through the construction of new greenery facilities and revitalization of the existing ones in accordance with the conditions and directions of the spatial development in Poznan.

Find out more at: https://budzet.um.poznan.pl/pbo21/