The Youth City Council of Poznan

The Youth City Council of Poznan is a consultative body of the Poznan City Council, established in 2014 at the initiative of Poznan secondary school students. Each secondary school in the City is allowed to appoint one representative. The councillors are aged 15-20 years and the current 5th term of office has as many as 46 members.

The Youth City Council's term of office is 2 years. The councillors are elected at Poznan schools which they later on represent at Council meetings. The first meeting serves to elect the presidium to lead the work of the Council.

The Council's main objectives include: representing the interests of the community of Poznan students at the local government level, listening to their voice, supporting young people's initiatives and projects, promoting the idea of self-government and initiating projects aimed at enriching the lives of young residents of Poznan.

The Youth Council of Poznan, even though it does not count among the longest-running in the country, has already been awarded as Poland's Best Youth Council twice.

It cooperates very closely with City Councillors, Poznan City Hall departments and also local higher education institutions in matters concerning the local youth.

The Youth Council of Poznan hold regular meetings to plan and discuss activities and support projects of young people from Poznan. Apart from the meetings, the Council works on an ongoing basis in committees and working groups.

9 Committees have been appointed:

  • Civic Education and Science Committee,
  • Climate and Environmental Protection Commitee,
  • Culture and Sports Committee,
  • External Relations Committee,
  • Social Policy and Health Committee,
  • Youth Entrepreneurship and Projects Committee,
  • Audit Committee,
  • City Transport and Infrastructure Committee,
  • Counting Committee.

The Council hold conferences and workshops, organizes congresses of Poznan student councils and also help student councils meet and share their experience. It initiated a series of meetings Learn All About Your City and Learn All About Your City Hall, which at present are continued online (students meet with officials and urban activists).

As Councillors from local schools, The Council takes part in the municipal debate on education meant to improve the quality of education in Poznan. Thanks to The Council's initiative, the Student Council Fund was established within the budget of the City of Poznan.

It is also engaged in charity and projects for the sake of the Planet.

The Youth City Council of Poznan is open to collaboration, experience sharing and joint organisation of events.

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