Name of partner institution:
Miasto Poznań / City of Poznan
Plac Kolegiacki 17, Poznan 61- 841, Poland
Contact person:
Katarzyna Bogdańska-Głuchowska
Biuro Koordynacji Projektów / Project Coordination Office
Urząd Miasta Poznania / Poznan City Hall
Project coordinator:
Jarosław Zabłocki
Biuro Koordynacji Projektów / Project Coordination Office
Urząd Miasta Poznania / Poznan City Hall
Expert on pre-school education:
Elżbieta Przybylak
Wydział Oświaty / Departament of Education
Urząd Miasta Poznania / Poznan City Hall
Description of partner institution:
Poznan City Hall, Department of Education is responsible for all levels of schools and educational institutions in the city, except for universities. It serves as a financing, controlling and managing body of primary schools, lower and upper secondary schools, as well as kindergartens. It is responsible for over 300 educational institutions all together and in particular for 116 public kindergarten.
The Department of Education cooperates with schools and kindergarten and supports their basic activities, but also stimulates their development and additional activities, including teacher training, innovative managing and administration systems etc.
The City of Poznan has also well-established international relations with partner cities and international institutions (Eurocities etc). Cooperation with the City of Berlin is being successfully developed in many fields, due to close relations between cities, similar experiences and close location of both cities. The cities cooperate within the international network "Oder-Partnership".
In the field of education the City of Poznan and its schools have implemented several international cooperation projects, in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, however kindergarten have not so far taken part in many projects and the city's desire is to encourage international cooperation also in the field of pre-school education.
Role in the project:
City of Poznan acts as a project leader and coordinator. It is a communication and managing centre for the project partners, responsible for running the project website and international dissemination of project results. Poznan City Hall is responsible for successful implementation of the project in Poznan and achieving all planned results, by coordinating the work of local partners.
Representatives of educational authorities participate in study visits and in the team work of experts, exchanging experiences and best practices in particular in terms of policy on pre-school education, quality development and assessment and providing educational services.
Poznan City Hall participates in elaborating a best-practice guide and is responsible for organizing an international conference to present project results.