Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Solace - the Jesuits (18 Szewska Street)
The oldest temple in the left - bank part of Poznań, it was built on the grounds of St Gothard's Hamlet, which in turn got its name from a church that must have stood here from the middle of the 12th century. In 1244 prince Przemysł I resolved to found a Dominican monastery. In the middle of the 13th century the friars built a new church and a monastery on the spot where St Gothard's temple had stood. The early Gothic temple had an extended chancel and two naves. In the 15th century the Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary was added to its northern side. Owing to a flood in 1698 the pillars and the ceiling over the naves collapsed. During reconstruction, carried out in the early 18th century and supervised by Jan Catenazzi, a single nave interior was created with a vaulting resting on pillars adjacent to the walls. Gale winds tore the roof down in 1725 and in 1803 a fire destroyed the interior and the dome of the newly built spire. The church was rebuilt by 1814. After the monastery was closed down in 1837, two wings of the monastic building were demolished. In 1920 the church and the monastery were given to the Jesuits.
The early Gothic outside walls of the church, dating from the middle of the 13th century, have been partially preserved. The richly profiled early Gothic portal in the west facade (unveiled in 1923) comes from the same time. The interior has a single nave. The pillars adjacent to the walls come from the early 18th century; the chancel vaulting date back to the beginnings of the 19th century and those over the nave come from the first half of the 18th century. In the chancel there are fragments of late Renaissance choir stalls from 1620-1630 depicting scenes from the lives of St Dominic (on the right) and St Jack (on the left). The late Gothic sandstone baptismal font from the early 16th century has a relief depicting the Resurrection of Christ. The late Baroque pulpit is from 1715. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary has a late Gothic stellar vaulting. Its neo - Gothic interior comes from the turn of the 20th century. The zinc bronze gravestone of Feliks Paniewski (died in 1488) was made in the Vieschers workshop in Nuremberg. It was taken away to Germany during the war, along with the tombstone slabs from the Cathedral, but returned in 1990.
Of the old monastery, erected in the 14th century where an earlier structure had stood, and rebuilt in 1622, today only the west and the south wings remained, their Gothic ambulatories covered by stellar vaulting. Over the sacristy, in St Jack's Chapel, there is an art gallery "U jezuitów". The relics from the demolished wings of the monastery were uncovered during archaeological work between 1970-71. The restored lower parts of the walls give a good idea of what the old monastery must have looked like.