Lea Hemetsberger

Lea Hemetsberger is responsible for project development and international relationships at the Data Competence Center for Cities and Regions  (DKSR). She has been working on the topics of Smart City, digital transformation and sustainable mobility for the last 6 years. Before joining Berlin-based DKSR, she worked as project manager at the international city network "Open & Agile Smart Cities", where Lea has been working with public administrations on regional and local levels, European institutions, companies, research and international standards developing bodies such as ITU and ETSI, to jointly define minimum standards for data interoperability based on cities' needs. Thanks to her many years of collaboration with cities and international institutions, Lea has developed a holistic understanding of the challenges of digital transformation and the importance of data-based, digital solutions for public administrations to achieve ambitious goals such as climate-neutrality.

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