Declaration of Accessibility

Declaration of Accessibility

Poznan City Hall hereby undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The Declaration of Accessibility applies to the website

Published on: 1998-02-11

Revised on: 2023-03-30

The website partly complies with the Act of 4 April 2019 on digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities:

  • videos do not have subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
  • contact form has no associated text labels
  • map of healthcare facilities is not available

Prepared on: 2019-10-31

The Declaration was drawn up on the basis of a self-assessment by the public entity.

Feedback and Contact Details

Please contact us in case of any problems with access to the website. The contact persons are:

Agnieszka Maciejewska, Beata Skrzypczak

You can send an email to:

You can also contact us calling + 48 61 878 58 32 or +48 61 878 53 50.

In the same way, requests for non-accessible information as well as accessibility requests can be submitted.

Anyone has the right to request digital accessibility of the website, mobile application or any element thereof. It is also possible to request that the information be made available in alternative forms, such as reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video without an audio description, etc. The request should include the details of the person making the request, an indication which website or mobile application the request concerns, and the method of contact. If the claimant requests information in an alternative form, this form should also be specified.

The public entity shall comply with the request without delay, but no later than within 7 days. If this deadline cannot be met, the public entity shall immediately inform the claimant when it will be possible to comply with the request, and this new deadline shall not exceed 2 months. If accessibility cannot be ensured, the public entity may propose an alternative way of accessing information.

Poznan City Hall, pl. Kolegiacki 17, 61-841 Poznań

phone +48 61 646 33 44

With the exception of the Office of Project Coordination and Urban Regeneration, the building is accessible for people with disabilities.

It is possible to arrange a meeting with a customer on the ground floor. The most convenient entrance is from Poznan City Hall's courtyard: no threshold, the door opens automatically.

Furthermore, there are 5 parking spaces for people with disabilities in Poznan City Hall's courtyard.

Wheelchair-friendly toilets are located on the ground and first floor. The building has two hands-free lifts with Braille signage.