Muzeum Sztuk Użytkowych (Museum of Applied Arts)


The Museum of Applied Arts (a branch of the National Museum of Poznań) is housed in the renovated Przemysł Castle. Its entire exhibition has been devoted to applied arts. Its 2,000 innovatively-arranged exhibits include furniture, ceramics, glassware, metal items, weaponry, jewellery, textiles, apparel and clothing accessories. The display's narrative is chronological, cantered on specific issues and points of interest.

A number of themes have been chosen to illustrate each historic period, drawing on the distinctive ideas, trends, atmosphere, preferences and artistic achievements of the time. The artefacts shed light on human needs, desires and interests, allowing visitors to understand them more deeply. The exhibition becomes a story of man. While preserving the memory of the royal heritage of the site at which the Museum is located, exhibition space has been dedicated to Przemysł II and the history of the Castle.

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