Muzeum Archidiecezjalne - Akademia Lubrańskiego (Archdiocesan Museum - Lubrański Academy)


The Archdiocesan Museum of Poznań is located on Cathedral Island in the 1520 Lubrański Academy building adjacent to the Cathedral. The museum specialises in sacral art and collects items that have graced and served churches over the centuries. This said, it imposes no restrictions on the artefacts it adds to its collections and has amassed a great number of exhibits that will likely astound the viewer.

In addition to religious paintings and sculptures, liturgical vessels and garments from various eras representing diverse styles, visitors will see portraits, landscapes and still-life paintings, items owned and used by our ancestors, and even dresses, shawls and chemises. The museum prides itself on its gothic art comprising the biggest collection of 14th- and 15th-century sculptures and paintings to be seen in this part of Poland. Its prized possession is St. Peter's sword, which is the first Christian relic brought to Poland by Bishop Jordan in 968.

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